Chimney Sweep Austin
Chimney Sweep Austin and Fireplace Cleaning Austin
Chimney Cleaning in Austin
with our already dry and dangerous weather, ignored tar build up in your chimney can ignite, causing damage or destroying your home. Our chimney and fireplace experts of Texas Air Duct Cleaning Services offer homeowners dependable, no-mess chimney sweep in Austin area, and San Antonio Texas to improve airflow, reducing energy bills and provide safety.
The importance of Chimney Sweep:
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in the year 2004 estimates That in the US in average over 25,000 fires occurred with over $135 Million dollars property loss including 30 deaths from fires and 162 deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Don’t become part of these statistics.
Creosote is made by fire use means every time you use your chimney you create creosote and soot. Creosote can be a dangerous build up in time inside the chimney flue, it doesn’t matter what type of wood you burn. Creosote is a highly flammable material, and increase the risk of chimney fire every time the fireplace is used. The primary purpose of chimney sweeping is to reduce as much of the flammable creosote as possible and as a result minimizes the possibility of having a dangerous chimney fire.
In addition, extreme high temperatures produced by a chimney fire can damage a chimney, the heat will warp metal chimney or crack the tile liner on masonry chimney. When warping occurs or cracks go unrepaired, the next chimney fire could be even more dangerous! During normal use, the sparks generated by the fire in the stove could go through the cracks or holes into the attic or the framework surrounding the chimney, causing a serious house fire, the loss of property and even the loss of life.
A little more information about the importance of having your chimney sweep:
In addition to removing the creosote buildup and reducing the possibility of a house fire, chimney sweep can also help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning claims about 4,000 lives a year in the U.S, carbon monoxide is always emitted by chimneys and can be life threatening if ingested in large doses.
How often you should have your chimney sweep depends on how much you use your chimney. A good idea is to have your chimney or fireplace swept every year, right before the winter season starts is a good time.
Cracks, lighting strikes, past daily use, moisture issues, and pests can cause big problems to your chimney. If you look up in the chimney shaft and find material building up on the damper or falling down have an chimney Sweep professionals inspect it.
Sarah Johnson
I will recommend you to my colleagues. I enjoyed the service & it made my wife's allergies disappear. I am so pleased with this service
Robert Morriss
Keep up the excellent work. I use air duct cleaning often. If you ever have any stubborn people like me, have them call me
Mark Bailey